Locations & Representatives


Barbarine Representação Comercial

Contact: Mr.Peter Michaelis

Avenida Eugênio Bartolomai, 453 - Sao Paulo
SP - 04785-040

Phone: +55 11 5669-1675  E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Fax:     +55 11 8383-9354  Web: www.barbarine.com.br




Mr. Dahai Zhu

6-1-701, Carl Apartment, Yizhuang Developing Area, Beijing
RC - 100176





Somani Kuttner India Pvt. Ltd

Contact: Mr. Vinu Dasan

7 A SAGAR, 6 Tilak Marg
IN - 110001 New Delhi

Phone: +011 237 2022

    +011  2338 7413

 E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Fax:     +011 237 82806

    +011 2338 2232

 Web: www.somanikuttner.com



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