Service car
To do the maintenance of the oven doors at the coke side or the machine side of a battery a battery service car is needed. The HuDe battery service car, with its conformable lift stage, enables the easy and quick maintenance of the oven doors.
Different drive concepts for the battery service car are available. It is assured that the coke transfer car or the pusher machine can pass the battery service car safety.
Coke transfer car
HuDe coke transfer cars are process optimized suction systems.
They allow emission protected coke transfers from coke oven into the quenching car and a secure dust gas suction into a filter device.
Quenching car
The HuDe quenching car- family enfolds the following concepts:
- trailed quenching car
- self driven quenching car
- one spot and multipoint concepts
- systems with upper and below quenching (fabricated in license)
- winch operated quenching car
Gas handling car
If stamping technologies for coking are used HuDe gas handling cars are needed.
New developed transfer technologies allow a emission protected gas handling without using external filters or onboard incineration systems.
Quenching loco
The locos for quenching cars are equipped with all systems and components required for man less operation. All required aggregates to supply and operate the trailed quenching car are located on the locos.
Locos with different load- and speed classes are available.
Charging car
HuDe charging cars are process optimized and allows an automatic and man less coke oven filling. The coal charging car has different operation and service devices optionally.
The charging car integration into the battery facility and flatting system allows an optimized and emission protected coke oven filling.
Hood Car
HuDe hood cars are self driven and a flexible and cost-saving extension of existing and new coke guide cars.
Normally the concept of the HuDe hood cars is used to modernize existing systems. HuDe hood cars can be combined with several coke guide cars.
Pusher car
HuDe pusher cars are built modular and are customized to all oven dimensions. Pusher- and levelling systems are state of the art.
HuDe pusher cars are integrated in the control process of all other machines.
Coke guide car
The HuDe coke guide car in general the has the same performance than the HuDe coke transfer car. The only difference is that the coke guide car has not a hood system for the quenching car.
For environmental protection the HuDe coke guide car normally worked in combination with a HuDe Hood car.